Life Changing Features

Our Proof-of-Attendance Protocol (PoAp) enables users to check in at approved locations to earn rewards and take control over their wellness in real-time.

Recovery Capital

Novus uses an empirically-based framework that determines recovery outcomes called "Recovery Capital". Novus combines this scientific research with cutting-edge technology to measure, build, and maintain Recovery Capital anytime, anywhere.

Social Data Points

• Family Support
• Social Support
• Recovery Groups
• Hobbies
• Healthcare
• Safety

Personal Data Points

• Physical & Mental Wellness
• Employment
• Education
• Housing
• Transportation
• Self Efficacy

Cultural Data Points

• Beliefs
• Spirituality
• Purpose
• Community
• Values
• Mission

A realistic approach.

Recovery is not black and white. The way we approach and measure it shouldn't be either.

Novus deploys a holistic approach to measuring and improving recovery where sobriety isn't the metric; Recovery Capital is.

Move closer to a more sustainable recovery, enroll in our beta today.
Novus app metrics tracking

Brand Partners

Recovery isn't just achieving sobriety — Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.

National Institute on Drug Abuse